With this wedding being at a vineyard on the side of a mountain roughly 4 hours from Charleston, the Hubs and I flew into CHS and then embarked on a road trip with the future Paynes, whose wedding happens to be the 3rd of 3. Woohoo!
My last 5 days have been a whirlwind of great proportions, so I figured I'd let the numbers do the talking today:
- Four- the number of beds I've slept in over the last 5 days.
- Three- the number of times I ate at Chick-Fil-A in 3 day span (shhh, one of them was a secret).
- Four- the number of varying modes of transportation that the Hubs and I used to get home on Monday. A plane, train, bus, and car were all involved. Gag me. I told the Hubs we should hop on our bikes for a second when we got home just to set some sort of personal record.
- Thirty-four- the number of minutes our GPS told us we'd need to get to the wedding from our hotel in the middle of nowhere. The kicker was we had about 30 minutes until the wedding started.
- Twenty- the number of minutes the woman at our hotel's front desk told us it would take to get to the wedding that was now 34 minutes away. Cool. Thanks, lady.
- Two- the number of times I saw my life flash before my eyes as the Hubs tried to shave about 6 minutes off said travel time to the wedding so we'd be on time. Through winding mountains. I don't handle speeding through mountains well apparently.
- Eight- the number of fast food meals we consumed throughout our travels. I have never eaten so poorly in one trip in my entire life and I'm so NOT proud of it. Ugh. I was desperate for fresh veggies by day three. Give me roughage or give me death!
- One- the number of sweetly sleeping babies we got to visit. Precious.
- Twenty-six- the number of hours spent traveling out of our 80 hour visit. I'm tired. No, for real, like bone tired.
- Eleven- the number of friends that I got to hug and catch up with in said 80 hour trip. There's just nothing better.
- Four- the number of cokes that the Hubs successfully received on our four Delta flights, which was something to celebrate. Last month when we flew with Delta, out of the four times the flight attendant asked what he'd like to drink and he responded with "Coke, please", the poor guy only received ONE coke. The remaining THREE times, they took his order, forgot within the 3 second window and walked away. I'm not kidding. I was crying I was laughing so hard by the third time he got "coke dissed". We're pretty sure it's a conspiracy.
- Fifteen- the number of days until we fly back to Charleston for our final wedding of 2013.
- Sixteen- the number of days my suitcase will most likely stay packed until it's time to repack it. Don't judge. It's a character flaw. Seriously, stop judging. I can feel you doing it as I type. I promise I'll pull out my dirty stuff before then and I'll repack with clean stuff. Pinky promise. I'm no dirt bag, I'm just a tad bit lazy. What?