Thursday, March 5, 2015

RSV...Good Times

It appears that one of the things I dreaded the most as a new mom has come true. Our little Munchie tested positive for RSV this week. After watching friends and co-workers struggle through bouts of RSV with their kiddos, I prayed that the Munch would escape infancy unscathed. I was wrong.

Although RSV has landed many of our friends' babies in the hospital, or worse yet, having had them completely stop breathing and need to be resuscitated, the Munch is holding strong thus far. It is, however, a sad thing to watch your kiddo struggle through since there really is no treatment for them outside of hospitalization should he take a turn for the worse. I'm praying that is not the case.

Upon receiving the test results, I asked the doc what that meant in terms of daycare since the Hubs and I both work full-time. The doc told me with a chuckle "sure, you can send him to daycare. Just let me grab a stack of my business cards for you before you go." Needless to say, the Hubs and have I have done our best to take shifts both in our offices and as nurse mate at home.

In the grand scheme of childhood illnesses, I know that this is most likely not life threatening, but as a parent, it still hurts your heart to watch your son struggle to breathe through massive amounts of congestion and the nastiest cough I've ever heard. It's painful to watch when someone you love is miserable and there's not a single thing you can do to help outside of hold them.

The Munch is strong and we'll get through this dreadful virus after a week or so (fingers crossed), but until then, I'll probably be a little hit or miss on here over the next 2-3 days. All eyes on the Munch for now.

Let's get this sweet boy healthy!

Look at those sad eyes:(
*Please excuse the double chin. It was a bad angle.

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