Monday, March 16, 2015

7 Months

It's been seven months since my world was turned upside down and inside out for the better. Sure, I'm more tired than I've ever been most of the time, but my heart is also more full than it's ever been. Yesterday, he and I had the best time taking a walk, napping, playing and eating.

Our little Munchie is such a joy. He makes me laugh, smile, make up silly songs with his name in them, dance to Mickey Mouse Club, lose sleep, get frustrated, and then fall back in love with him again so I can never stay too frustrated. He constantly has strangers coming over to compliment him, his eyes, his skin tone, etc... He's our little show stopper, that Munch.

  • Sitting up
  • Rolling over (a few months ago)
  • Eating cereal and veggies
  • Speaking jibberish
  • Saying "Dada", one time clear as day, but we're now working on consistency
  • Belly laughing and being a little ham
    • He'll do something that he knows is funny and will crack up when I laugh at him
  • Battling RSV without a hospital stay (praise the Lord)
  • Going to "Launch" yesterday at church (the nursery at church)
    • I think this was harder on me. They checked him and swept him away before I could really say goodbye. I walked a few steps ahead of the Hubs into the service to avoid showing him the tears in my eyes. Lord help me on the first day of preschool!

  • Cereal
  • Carrots aren't too bad either
  • Mickey Mouse Club
  • Riding in the car
  • Walks in this warmer weather
  • Playing with his tiny basketball
  • Diaper changes
  • Bath time
  • Having his socks off
  • Playing on the couch with his toys
  • His OBall activity station
  • Watching his puppy walk around
  • Spending time with Miss Alyssa and Lovie
  • Napping on the weekends with momma
  • Medicine
  • Green beans
  • When you take away his basketball for .5 seconds while you change his clothes
  • Being over tired
How is it that this boy is closer to ONE than he is to the day he was born??? I'm not ready! Although, I have started planning his 1st bday party. What? I live for parties and he deserves a special day!

Munchie, you make every day brighter and I'm so thankful for you!

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