Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Summer of '69

Y'all, I'm going to see Bryan Adams in concert. I cannot tell you how excited I am for a little B.A. unplugged. A TV commercial for the concert came on the other night and I kid you not, I almost cried. I'm blaming part of that on pregnancy hormones, but the rest of those emotions are the real deal.

Bryan Adams' So Far So Good  was my very first CD, along with the Cranberries. I remember squealing when I pulled back the wrapping paper on my first CD over dinner with friends at the Olive Garden in 1993. He just takes me back. And let's face it, he ranks right up there with Keith Whitley and Travis Tritt on his ability to write amazing ballads.

The Hubs agreed to go with me, along with my brother, so it begs to be a fun evening of good food before the show followed by a swoon/guitar fest!

The best part about his tour is that in 2012, while riding down the road with the windows down and B.A. cranked way up, I turned to the Hubs and said "what happened to Bryan Adams? Where is he? I miss him!" I believe he said something along the lines of "I'm pretty sure he was in a South Park episode at one time." I, then, confidently stated "I'm going to go on a one woman crusade to bring him on tour to Rockford. I'll start a "bring Bryan Adams back on tour" petition if I need to!" Side note, I do think the Hubs should go on a one man crusade to get me backstage so I can meet B.A. himself.  Hint, hint, Tim.

Two years later, B.A. made my wish come true, while also saving me a ton of crusade work. Gotta love it!

For your listening pleasure, I leave you with one of my favorite B.A. jams (although I truly love most of what comes out of his mouth). Hubs, wanna slow dance?

Any other Bryan Adams fans out there?


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