Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday High Fives

Well, well, well, Mr. Friday, we meet again. I don't think there's ever a day that I don't love seeing your face. If only I could see you more often.

On this sunny, warm (hello, high of 57!) day, I must give credit where credit was due this week:
  • Thanks to two Pinterest recipes for bringing a bit of freshness to our meal rotation.
  • Breakfast meetings and an event that offered me a delicious, hot breakfast three out of my five work days.
  • Making an offer on a house we both love. Low fives to what has turned into a 4 day waiting and negotiating game. This process gives new meaning to "hurry up and wait". I'm no geographical whiz, BUT I'm pretty sure that although Arizona is in a different time zone than we are, it is not a 12 hour difference. Let's just say that whatever timeframe this seller gives you on when she'll respond, you can confidentially tack about 12 hours onto her estimate.
  • Dropping Sprint like a bad habit. I can now make and receive phone calls in my house, get my voicemails on time (if at all) and send and receive picture texts! I'm big-time, folks. Now if I can just remember that I no longer have to sit at the end of our very long driveway to make calls, I'll be good.
  • A sweet, little blue celebration from our small group. It was so fun to walk in and see the table decorated for our little man.
 Sorry these first two photos are sideways. They have a mind of their own and refuse to be turned.

  • An unexpected package, which I called "Cinderella Day in a Box" from a dear friend, Zee. I really struggled the weekend of Cinderella Day and knowing I wasn't there. I had to take a break from Facebook for a few hours to avoid all of the awesome photos. They made me so happy, yet sad at the same time, so getting this package made me feel like I still got to be a small part of the amazing day. It meant so much!

  • Not seeing Juan Pablo on our TV screen on Monday night.
  • Partaking in my 2nd Shamrock shake of the season.
  • Tackling a few areas of our home for my 40 bags in 40 days challenge. Although it is still nothing to look at, our laundry closet looks SO much more organized. It was mounds of chaos before.

  • Seeing grass! Piggy is so excited to explore again and not navigate 3 foot tall banks of snow.
  • Having the windows cracked open.
  • Exercising my right to vote!

  • Receiving a sweet call from my grandma thanking me for the post I wrote about my grandpa. She shared that it took her awhile to read it. I told her it took me awhile to write it. I try to be very honest and open when I write, but I also try to be cognizant of the fact that my stories are often times not just mine to write. I try to tell "our" stories with care, respect and honesty, and if I'm lucky, every once in awhile, it brings something to the reader (i.e. a memory, happiness, joy, or a shared emotion).
  • Knowing it's Friday! Holler!

Happy Friday, Y'all!


mama spike said...

Had lunch with my Mom. Guess I didn't make the Friday High Five List. Hmmm? JK. Love you Loads! Mom

Brittany F. said...

I did this before we had lunch, sorry, mom;) It was certainly a high five though! Two meals together in one day is always a high five, although it'd be a higher five if we weren't eating at Culvers;) Love you too!