I've always loved concerts. The lights, the sounds, the energy. But what I LOVE about Christian concerts is the soul that you feel on top of the lights, the sounds, and the energy. When there are thousands of people singing from their soul, you just know the Lord is there. And the diversity that Hillsong brings in its fan base is incredible. I don't know where else I'd find myself surrounded by so many nationalities. It was nuts. And although I know my God is BIG, it's always an incredible reminder that He speaks every language. He hears prayers from mouths that look and sound nothing like mine. He is mine, but He is theirs too. He's all of ours. He is without borders. Incredible.
And by the end of the show, it's safe to say that I fell in love. Every once in awhile, a song will worm its way into my heart and that happened last night. "Oceans" spoke life into me. Every word. From the minute the ocean appeared on the screen and the waves began to roll, I was lost.
I know not everyone believes what I believe, but I'm not sure how you can hear God-given talent quite like Taya Smith sing lyrics that only the Lord could inspire and not believe that He exists? And not believe that He saves? And lastly, how can you not believe that He alone will keep your eyes above the water and give us a trust that's without borders? Again, I cannot fathom it. He was so very real and present and I'm so grateful to have been in that room last night. I know this song will be my anthem for however long it seems to grip me. I felt a stirring through those lyrics that I've felt creeping in over the last year, but that I could conveniently tuck away and move along with my routine. Not anymore. Lead me. Take me deeper. But please keep my eyes about the waves. That's all I ask.
Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior
I will call upon Your Name
Keep my eyes above the waves
My soul will rest in Your embrace
I am Yours and You are mine
If you have a few minutes, this is worth the time. She's incredible.
Turn it way, way up and let the waves roll.
Turn it way, way up and let the waves roll.
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