High Fives this week compliments of:
- Getting our home painted in between rain breaks
- Cranking out some much need yard work
- Although low fives and snake bites go to the rain, yet again, for eliminating about 15 other yard projects that can't be done in the mud and mist (remember those nasty things called "snake bites" from childhood??? You know the ones where people would twist your arm skin in two different directions and think it was funny? It was not funny. At all. Oh, the pain and injustice on our poor, innocent skin! I digress...)
- Eating cake 3 days in a row compliments of anniversary cake! #letthemeatcake
- Netflix emailing me that my beloved season 3 of Pretty Little Liars is now available! Heck yeah! I've been paying $1.99 an episode for the last 2 weeks and there are like 27 episodes. I'm addicted, folks.
- Netflix, thank you. I love you. If I wasn't already married, I'd marry you.
- Planning a fun gathering this weekend for the Hubs' Birthday. I live for gatherings.
- Chatting with one of my besties who is about to have her first baby in days. Any day now! Woohoooooo! Man, I wish I could be there.
- Busting out the spray paint outdoors. I swear I was shaving years off of my life when I'd spray something in the basement. #deathbyspraypaint
- Nellie's Barn Sale this weekend and treasure hunting.
- A finished fire pit compliments of the Hubs. It looks awesome. And after seeing that item on his honey do list since last July, I'm so glad
I can stop asking about itit's finished. #stop,smoretime - Early dismissal today and every Friday for 2 months. Now you're speaking my language, work. High five to you for being amaze-balls!
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