Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Poppin' Tags

If you are not on board with my friends over at Macklemore, you should be. Period.

Regardless of your stance on thrifting or treasure hunting as I like to call it, their beat is catchy and can make any freezing, snowy day a little more warm and bright when you're breaking it down at a stop light to lyrics like "I wear your granddad's clothes, I look incredible, I'm in this big a@# coat, From that thrift shop down the road".  Hypothetically speaking, of course.

This song is my jam. My apologies to anyone in the car with me when this song comes on. Even if you're in mid-conversation, we're about to dance. My apologies, as well, to anyone next to or behind me at a stop light. My SUV turns into Club Jeep in .5 seconds.

In honor of this sweet, sweet jam, I've compiled a few photos of my thrift shop finds (although I assure you, there are many, many more items in my home that I just can't fit and don't want to bore you with in this post). And much like Macklemore, I do draw the line on certain items when thrifting: swim wear (no way, Jose), unmentionables (aka...undies/fundos), shoes (unless they are brand spanking new with tags) curling irons (ewww), and rugs and bedding. Although, side note, I did rock a thrift store sheet once a year when I'd go to Nicaragua so I could just leave it there, but that bad boy was washed about 5 times ahead of time! Oh yeah, and ask my mom about the time she came to Nica with me and declared "I'll bring you a sheet, don't worry about packing one" and we get to said third world country and she hands me a sheet, wait for it, a fitted sheet. Just one fitted sheet. And that's all I had for a week. Try sleeping like a human starfish with both arms and legs fully stretched out and the elastic corners on the tips of my fingers and toes (option 1) or like a human burrito (option 2) for a week to keep the sheet on your person. Bad, mom. Bad, mom.

Without further ado, I bring you...a few finds of mine:

My vintage bar cart. I love her and with her handy dandy wheels, she will be a mobile bar cart this summer with many trips from the sun room to the patio and back. Boom. I'm toying with jazzin' her up with a new, fun coat of brightness. Just not sure what color yet.

Our entry way bench for snow boot removal (Hold up...who am I? Do I really have an area for snow boot removal now?!) This dude is solid wood. For only five dollars, this bench made me holler. Another  woman stared at it for like 10 minutes in the store, sure enough, the minute she walked away to think some more, I snagged it. You gotta be quick on yo feet to earn yo keep when I'm treasure hunting next to you!

 And of course, this beaut (in my opinion) was a no brainer. Snagged it up for under $75.

Aqua meets vintage curvy legs meets my checkbook and my heart. I heart this chair, I really do.

Original mercury glass is hard to find. I spotted these guys for $2 for a set and they had quickly found a new, happy home with me. I saw similar ones on Anthropologie after the fact for the price of our future first born child.

 My scrolly mirror and blue wall thingy (yes, that's the technical word for it). I recently saw the same exact mirror, cheap plastic frame and all, in a repurposed boutique in town for $59. Even I laughed at that price. I debated for a week before spend $9.99 on this little guy.

This next find is one that not everyone sees the beauty in. I bought it on a junkin' day out with my mom and she looked at me weirdly when I snatched this guy up. Not sure why I love it, but it's an original oil painting that someone had framed and it just makes me happy. Whenever I walk past it, I think of Shem Creek and fresh shrimp and the smell of pluff mud. Love it or hate it, she was mine for $7. I'll be painting her frame white very shortly.

Two weeks ago, this little pink lady came to live with me. She keeps our coffee cozy until its time for it to do its thang. She's retro and pink and mine.

Pig?? What are you doing in this post?!  Just making sure you're all still awake:) Clearly he was not a thrift store treasure, but this sweet pic deserved a public appearance!

Again, the crowd appeal on this tag team is up for debate. I'm not even 100% sure that I love them, and I know the hubs isn't sold on their daily debut in our "beachy bedroom", but I thought they had potential. They were heavy, black iron and at $4 for the team, I splashed on a little spray paint and twine to beach them up a bit and they've done their job until something else woo's me more. In my family, we always teased my grandma for wrapping everything in her house with twine to give it a more rustic feel. She and I shared a proud moment over this little duo and the twine cameo.
Don't love something? Wrap some twine on it.
Boom, yet again.

Well, what are you waiting for?! Grab your $20 and go pop some tags!
And listen to the jam on the way to get your game face on.

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