Monday, March 18, 2013

A Sovereign Anthem

On my recent trip back to SC and a much needed visit to my home church, my ears were treated to one of Chris Tomlin's new songs and my newest anthem, Sovereign, which was co-written by one of our worship leaders, Martin Chalk. For some reason, seconds into the song, before any words hit the screen or left the mouths of the worship leaders, I felt a peace deep inside. A soothing peace.

Sitting in my new church yesterday, and listening to the message last weekend as well, on how God is greater than our pain, fear and shame, I felt this anthem in my soul again. I felt grateful for its simple, yet promising and hopeful words. I clung to it.

Whatever we're going through, no matter how small or how massive our fears, struggles, battles, changes, and hopes, triumphs, celebrations, and dreams, He is there. And we're in His hands. In the depths and on the mountain tops, we're held by a sovereign Lord.

He gets us when others don't.

He comforts when others can't. Or won't.

He doesn't promise an easy path, but He does promise that we can trust him with our hearts, our hurts, our hopes.

Whatever comes my way, I'm just glad that He is mine. And I am His.

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