Monday, February 2, 2015

Blizzard Bowl 2015

On Friday I was just thinking how this winter has been fairly mild and how grateful I have been for a break from the horrendous weather we've been hit with over the last two years. That was until just 27 short hours later. And WHAM, enter 11 inches of snow in a 24 hour period. That's what I get for thinking when I'm not used to it.

Although the snowfall was quite beautiful, it definitely put a damper on our weekend plans. Especially our Super Bowl plans with friends. It's one thing to trek out into a blizzard yourself, but it's a totally different ball game (see what I did there...ball Bowl....anyway) to take your 5 month old on the roads. And although you may drive slow and cautiously, you just never know how others might drive following a game of that nature. Drunk drivers and blizzards do not mix well, so we kept our precious cargo at home.

What started out as a light flurry on Saturday night around 8pm, led to snow banks taller than our dog. And by snow banks, I mean, 11 inch tall snow everywhere you looked. There were no banks. Just snow. I couldn't tell where our front steps were when trying to take poor Pig outside which was a fun guessing game.

And drifts? Goodness gracious, we had snow drifts up to my thighs. I know this because in a moment of stir craziness, I decided to trek out to the backyard for some photos. Sometimes you just have to throw on your boots and play in the snow, ya know.

Next year will be fun with Nash being old enough to truly experience the white, fluffy stuff, but for his first blizzard experience, it pretty much looked like this:

My how Super Bowl parties have changed!

Thankfully, I had a little taste of Charleston to make up for missing yummy Super Bowl food at our friend's house. Westbrook's White Thai and Pamletto Cheese that we picked up to bring
home from our recent trip.
Knee high snow makes for a great workout as you trek through the yard.

Snow drifts on the deck accumulating by 11am.

Even in a blizzard, the river looks so pretty and peaceful.

I text my dad a picture of our deck and he asked for something to be used to give it perspective. How's that for perspective? And just so we're all looking at the same thing, the bottom of the wine bottle is level with the deck floor. Wowzas.
My favorite part about this image are the various layers of snow.
It almost looks like layers of white fabric stacked on top of each other.

Our corner of the frozen tundra that we call home. Brrrr.

Stay warm and safe, y'all!

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