We've made into the third trimester, folks! I couldn't be more thrilled to be just three months away from meeting our little nugget face to face. This week marks 28 weeks and counting.
There were times in the first trimester that made me truly question whether or not I could ever do this again. Cue 4 months and I started to think "hey, this isn't so bad anymore." By 6 months I'd never felt better. I had a TON of energy compared to my previous trimester, and no longer spent time laying on my bathroom floor or having ultrasounds every few weeks to ensure things were still A-Okay. I could do the second trimester again and again and again. Or maybe just one more time. Let's not get cocky.
And with a blink of an eye, here we are in the home stretch. While in Texas, my sister in law asked if I was having any heartburn. I confidently said "No, I've only had it twice in the last 7 months." And just like that...heartburn central. Rookie mistake to speak so soon and so confidently. Little did I know that one week from muttering that statement I'd be standing in my kitchen gulping down a tablespoon of yellow mustard. Straight up, yellow mustard. I doubted it's effectiveness after reading it online when we didn't have any Tums and I thought I might die right there at midnight in my jammies, but apparently it worked. I woke up about two hours later, while still propped upright on my bed, and I had not perished. It was a heartburn miracle. I've never been more thankful for mustard in all of my days. Scoot over ketchup. You are no longer the star of my hot dog condiments.
With the third trimester comes many, many tasks:
- Birthing class and creating our "plan". We start our classes next Wednesday, but I can already tell you that my plan involves keeping Ziggy in there as long as possible and then accepting the epidural as soon as possible. It will not be rocket science, I assure you.
- Setting up the nursery (which means tearing down the guest bedroom, painting it, etc...). We thought we were moving so there was zero point in setting it up in our current house. It's funny how plans have a way of reshaping themselves when we least expect it. And by funny I mean not funny at all really.
- Putting together a crib.
- Selecting a pediatrician.
- Choosing a name. I still vote for keeping it Ziggy, as it's grown on us and I cannot imagine calling him anything else, but I'm not sure he'd appreciate Ziggy as much as we do.
I'm sure I'm missing a million things that we need to do, but this shall be a good start. He'll come when he's ready and we'll try to be as ready as possible for his arrival. In the meantime, if you need me, I'll be rocking this third trimester like a sweaty champ, downing spoonful's of mustard with a smile on my face.
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