Heading into this year's movie "August: Osage County", my cousin had warned us that she'd heard from a few people that the movie was "disturbing". So we went in with our guard up just a bit and then we waited for the impending disturbing-ness to appear. And wait long, we did not. Like 15 minutes in I was disturbed ever so slightly. By the end, I had a full blown stomach ache and pounding headache. I'm not exaggerating. I needed one of two things to cope: an entire bottle of wine or counseling. I left depleted, mentally exhausted and a little grateful of the reassurance that my family is WAY normal.
I think everyone can relate to a little dysfunction junction within their family dynamic. I know in most families, mine included, there's sometimes a little riff of someone not talking to someone else, or someone's feelings being hurt, or someone's struggling with something and although everyone wants to help, no one really knows what to do, etc... Well, Osage County makes your family and mine look like the stinkin' Cleavers on crack. My family? We are A-Okay after watching that
If Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts don't wine Oscars, well, then, I just don't know. The acting was insanely real and they took me places I hope never to go again. Will this movie be one that I rent when it hits Red Box? Not unless I feel like punishing myself and stapling my hands to the couch or desk seems a bit more messy than the pain inflicted by this film. Was I entertained, I don't really think so, but I'm not certain. The angst is still too vivid. Granted, they had me from the beginning and they never let me go, although at times I prayed it'd slow down so I could accidentally doze off, but entertained is a strong wrong. Not as strong as the language they use flippantly, but strong.
If you see this movie, be ready. There's not a feel good bone in its body. You will see phenomenal acting, like, some of the best I've ever witnessed, but you will also want to run to confession for the language you just ingested. And when it ends, you'll probably be left hanging more than you'd like. But in all reality, how do you end a train wreck? You don't. It just happens and its ugly.
Enjoy, friend;)
I second that emotion!
I second that emotion!
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