Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Email Soap Box

I needed to step away from my inbox for about 5 minutes before I slapped someone through my computer screen. I'm not a violent person at all, I swear, but man do I get irritated when people do not read emails in their entirety. So consider yourselves warned, my sweet friends. If I send you an email, please for the love of all things holy, read it before responding with questions. Please.

Lately I've had to communicate with a few people that either cannot read or are just too lazy and max out at 50 words when it comes to comprehension. Nothing chaps my buns quite like someone who asks you questions that you literally just answered. In detail.

I don't know if we're a product of a texting and twitter environment where we max out at 140 characters, but it just isn't right, y'all. I kid you not, I have been "chatting" with someone for the last 48 hours and I swear to you, every single thing she has asked in the last 42 of those 48 hours has already been stated for her in detail. About 10 times. In various ways as to try and eliminate her confusion. It's painful and I am done. Done. The final straw was when I sent along actual photos of what I'm trying to explain to her and she completely changes the course and ignores what we've been beating into the ground like a dead horse with a totally unrelated question of "where are you located?" Um, no ma'am.

I'm telling you all this today because I just can't face anymore people who are email illiterate. It's just not okay and it's unprofessional. I know we can all be long winded, take this blog for example, BUT if someone sends you an email that you plan to reply to, please just read the dang thing. Your answers may very well be in the email. Crazy, I know. And whoever came up with the whole "there are no dumb questions" clearly invented that statement before the Internet and email graced our lives.

In closing, I refuse to respond to this woman. 1) I don't want to waste anymore of my time on her when she already has everything she needs from me at her fingertips. And 2) I refuse to give her my "location" for both of our sanity's sake and both of our safety. I do not want to see this person in person, especially until I calm down. AND, I know if I give her my location, she's going to ask me five ways to Sunday how she should get to said location. Not going to happen. If she responds again, I'll simply shoot back my response that politely states "just forget it, man."

And if you've made it this far and are still reading this, thank you for restoring my faith in humanity! It would appear we can consume more than 140 characters at a time after all.


mama spike said...

I read the whole blog. In it's entirety. Just sayin'

mama spike said...

I read the whole blog. In it's entirety. Just sayin'