Thanks to Wrigley's spoiled rotten nighttime ritual, our boy must do the following before he settles in for the night (if he settles, that is):
- Get his nightly serving of Carmex from both mom and dad. Yep, our dog is obsessed with Carmex, as in chap stick. He will seriously dive bomb your face to get to the stuff.
- Lay right in between our faces while we recap the day before the light go out.
- Spend his first few minutes sprawled out on our pillows. This newly wed doesn't fight with her hubby for pillow or bed space, I fight for it with my 10 lb. toy poodle.
- And lastly, his newest obsession...his nighttime water drink from the night stand.
- We now have to fill up 3, yes three, water glasses before bedtime, because apparently our little diva gets thirsty about 2-4 times a night now.
- If he wakes up thirsty, he will literally stand on my legs or chest until I wake up, grab his drink, hold it at the perfect angle so that he can take his 15-30 licks, all without spilling water on my side of the bed. What is wrong with this picture?
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