Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Giving Challenge Update

Apparently my church in SC recently kicked off a 100K gift challenge, so it appears that this season in so many people's lives is about giving and not just about shopping. Let's keep this ball rolling and keep the love abounding!

As part of my challenge, the following small tasks and gifts have popped up on my radar:
  • I've been able to contribute, albeit small amounts, to our church's compassion offering this holiday season, to a local foundation in memory of a co-worker's sister who recently passed, and to another organization that works with the young woman in our community.
  • The hubby and I have signed up to work at a Christmas event at our church that celebrates the many families in our congregation who are foster or safe families. The hubs will help serve the meal and I'll get to make crafts with the kiddos. There is a small rumor that I may have to dress like an elf. #takinguglysweaterpartiestothenextlevel
  • I've bought lunch for another person.
  • I've filled out applications to volunteer with Rock House Kids and Safe Families in our community. I might as well take advantage of this time that I have before we have kiddos of our own!
  • I'm now on a committee to bring awareness to our local Habitat for Humanity at a race this April. We'll create a kids corner at the race expo, work with previous habitat home recipients, and are planning a pasta dinner the night before. Carb loadin' y'all!

On the horizon are some fun opportunities that I'm still working on, but I'm pretty sure they'll involve:
  • Our house warming party will have some giving elements to with a purpose!
  • Our mail man (he's awesome, by the way)
  • Our garbage men
  • The church across the street from my home
  • The cleaning woman at our office
The possibilities are endless and the needs are great. Let's get er done!

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