Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Little Halloween Fun

(Author note, please stay tuned for updates on my giving challenge over the next day or two.)

For anyone that's talked to us in the last 4 months, you know that our home has thrown us a few curve balls. However, we're finally back in the game and ahead of those of curves, at least for the time being.  Which in turn means that I get to really start whipping this place into shape via paint, decor, and (drum roll please..............) unpacking my earthly belongings!!!!!!

With Halloween being our first holiday in our new nest together, I got to have a little fun with the mantle decor.

Nothing says Halloween fun like a wedding photo. With bleeding eyes of course! 

I don't know what makes a human dressed up like a rabbit terrifying, but this dude gave me the willies. Which meant that I HAD to have him on my mantle. Duh.

Even Piggy got in the action. Want to weird people out, remove the eyes from your pet in your mantle photos.

Oh, ya know, just a little family photo. Of creepy people. That we've never met.
Happy Belated Halloween, my prettieeeesssssss!

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