But seriously, is no one else stressed out that all of our toiletries have to fit into a small Ziploc baggie?! Not a freezer, one gallon bag, but a small, here's your sandwhich bag. And not a few of the toiletries, but ALL of them. And enough to keep me clean and non-smelly for 10 days, not a weekend, and sans air conditioning anywhere in sight! My head starts to swirl when I make a mental list of everything that must fit in the small bag and 16 OZ liquid limit (i.e. face wash, body wash, face lotion, body lotion, deodorant, toothpaste, sunscreen, bug spray, mascara (okay, maybe I am a Diva), chapstick, stuff to keep my hair from distracting/scaring small children at the clinic, hand sanitizer, etc…I could fill one whole baggie up with just sanitizer!!).
I asked about the baggie in question and felt a room of blank looks shift in my direction. Lord, please keep us safe, please bring us the patients and allow us to care for and love on the patients, and please Lord let all of my toiletries fit in the sad little baggie below. Amen.

you CRACK me up! I would say leave the body lotion behind. Bring a bar of soap. Deodorant doesn't need to go in there, its a solid. And I'm totally feelin ya on the mascara ;) Have an awesome trip. xoxo
PS - WOW the word I had to verify below... I'm not making this up... "satans" creepy.
Whoa, that is creepy!!!
Thanks for the feedback! All great suggestions! And thanks for the well wishes, they mean a lot!
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