Friday, September 19, 2008

No more, No less.

No more, no less. That is where I am at in my life right now and let me tell you, it feels pretty darn good.

I am totally content (or satisfied depending on who you ask) and I really "want" for nothing right now. I have found something over the last few months both in myself and outside of myself that has completely changed my world for the better. I feel as though I have won some sort of sweepstakes that I didn't even know I entered. I can take deep breathes, I can stop second guessing, and I can rest easily in the fact that I never was in control and that's exactly how it was supposed to be.

Short story short, my life is amazing. No more, no less.

1 comment:

hmgarver421 said...

What a good place to be. Hang onto it!! Miss you!