Monday, March 23, 2009

Led or Forced?

It's official, I've signed up for another mission trip to Nicaragua this August. I'm really excited to go back and serve, see old friends and make new ones, and be stretched in a way that only a mission trip can stretch you.

The problem is that for some reason something feels off this time. For whatever reason, whether I was out of the country, sick, etc...I've had to miss 3 out of our 4 meetings already and I feel distant from the trip right now. I know I want to be utilized. I know I miss Nicaragua like crazy. I know the Lord has laid medical missions on my heart. Still I seem uneasy and unsure. Finances are not lining up either which makes me wonder if this trip is really of God or of Brittany this time around.

I know that if I go, He'll use me, but I also want to go because that is His plan not mine. I'm praying daily for direction and leadings. Please lead me Lord.

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