With only 11 days standing between me and Nicaragua, some of my excitement is starting to turn into fear. Although I've been prepping for this trip for months now, I am not sure how "prepared" I am at this point.
My Spanish is not where I'd like, and most likely, need it to be. I still have odds and ends to tie up in terms of who is watching my precious Wrigley while I'm away. And last but not least, I don't think it's hit me yet that I will have no contact with my selfish, little world for 11 days.
Yesterday our team held it's final fundraising event at Rialde Farms (Thanks Keith) and the end result was amazing! We were able to raise over $800 dollars while swimming, boating, and eating with our friends and family. Aside from the money, we were able to raise AWARENESS of our trip, the teammates, and the people we will help in Nicaragua. Hopefully our event will inspire someone else to partake on a trip of their own down the road. It was an amazing feeling to see well over 75 people come out to support us yesterday and as I laid on my couch last night and looked through a teammate's photo album of her previous trips, I was overwhlemed with tears and emotion. It hit me last night once the crowds had left and the Funday had been cleaned up, just what this trip means to me. Up until now, our meetings have been very business oriented with fundraising, vaccines, packing lists, etc... Yesterday and last night my head switched out of "business mode" and my heart was able to take over in "feeling mode", and if I am being honest with you at all, I'm sad I let the business side of this trip run the show for as long as I did.
With my heart in this trip and my head taking a back seat, I am still a bit afraid and nervous, but I know that the Lord has called me on this trip and I also know that He will lead me through it. Thanks to everyone who has supported me and our team along the way! You have no idea just how much your support has meant to me.
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